how to submit your sitemap to google webmaster tools

a few days ago I post a tutorial on how to verify your website in google webmaster tools. verifying your website in google console is not the end. after that, you also need to submit your sitemap in google webmaster tools.

a sitemap can help you to get high rank in google. because sitemap is a map of your contents. your blog all URL are stored in this map file. that's why you need to submit your sitemap in google webmaster tools. and in this post, I will show you how to submit your sitemap in google webmaster tools.

What is the sitemap?

the sitemap is a list of pages URLs. whenever you will write a new post on your blog. the URL of that post will be stored in this sitemap file. and the sitemap can make search engines work easier. because search engines crawls can access website all data from that one file.

how to submit your sitemap to google webmaster tools.

  1. go to the google webmaster tools.
  2. click on your website name.
  3. in the next page, you will see sitemap option. click on sitemap to submit your sitemap to google webmaster tools.
  4. now you will see add/test sitemap button. click on this button.
    how to submit your sitemap to google webmaster tools.
  5. a new popup will appear with an input area.
  6. write sitemap.xml in this input area and click on the submit button.
    how to submit your sitemap to google webmaster tools.

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