Make water waves in Photoshop

making water waves in photoshop in not so hard infact it's too easy you can make water waves in photoshop easily in this tutorial i will show you how can you make water waves in photoshop which looks real so let's start by opening photoshop.

Make water waves in Photoshop

first change background and foreground 
background color 2F51FF and foreground color D6EFFF

 now create new document by pressing ctrl+N  i create new image with size 640X211

but you can create with any size.

now fill image background by pressing alt+backspace 
after doing this your image look like following screenshot.

now apply filter by  going to filter >render >cloud

so after applying cloud filter your image look like following screenshot.

now again go to filter distort and apply zig zag filter 

do zig zag filter setting as i do in following screenshot.

 amount: 45 or 50
ridges: 10 

finel result.

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