How TO create Your Own Post Thumbnail Image In Adobe Photoshop

by using thumbnail  you can make your post more beautiful
thumbnail makes our post more beautiful many peoples are coping
thumbnails images from google which is not good

what is thumbnail?

thumbnail is an image that is chosen as the representative image for Post.

why thumbnail are important for post?

Thumbnail make our post more attractive
it give beautiful look to our posts
and every one want to make his post beautiful.

How to create your own post thumbnail images in adobe Photoshop?

it's not hard to create thumbnail image in adobe Photoshop
you can create your own beautiful thumbnail image in less then 5 minutes

what you need to create beautiful thumbnail image in adobe Photoshop?

1: an image  that matched with your post title you can download from google
but it is not coping because we are going to change that image

2: adobe Photoshop.
3: Little knowledge of Adobe Photoshop

so let's start creating your own post thumbnail in adobe Photoshop.

first of all open adobe Photoshop
and create new image by pressing ctrl+N
choose image size i make it 600X400
width: 600px
height: 400px

 now open image that you download from google .

now we have 2 open images.

select move tool and move  your  downloaded image  on your created image.

so your image look like following image.

now  select text tool and write your post title on image as i write.

your simple thumbnail image is ready now you can use it
by using same tip you can make more beautiful post thumbnail image
so that was a little tutorial on making thumbnail image in adobe photoshop but very soon i will write
tutorial to show you how can we create more beautiful post thumbnail image in adobe photoshop.

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